Saturday, July 31, 2010

Please give me advice on raising a kitten?

Please give me some insight, advice, and tips on raising a kitten.Please give me advice on raising a kitten?
The best advice that I can give, is that cats should never be punished. Positive reinforcement works best with them. Behaviour that you want to encourage should always be rewarded with food treats, affection and lots of praise. Wherever possible, ignore bad behaviour or try to re-direct their attention to something else. Cats are pretty smart, and are much more inclined to do something if it benefits them in some way.

The Messy Beast web site is a great one for learning about cat behaviour and psychology. (The articles about cat body language and vocal communication, will help you have a better understanding of her.) This web site also has lots of curious information about cats that I haven't seen on other web sites, so it makes for interesting reading if you have spare time.

The links below have lots of advice and information covering subjects such as how to play with your kitten, basic first aid, right through to caring for elderly cats. They may be useful for reference now and in the future.……

Based on some of your earlier questions, I think you're already doing a good job raising your kitten as she sounds very happy in your company. Your kitten is lucky to have such a conscientious owner and I hope you have many happy years together ahead of you.Please give me advice on raising a kitten?
it depends on the breed of your kitten
Hard one to answer as its like being a parent to a child, you kinda learn as you go along, as each kitten has such different personalities!! some tips I have learnt from having my first own kitten are:

Start teaching kitten from day one to use kitty litter box (if he is going to be an indoor kitten.

Provide kitten with a scratching post, show him/her how to use it.

Never using spanking as a form of discipline, kittens respond better to a squirt with a water bottle. From day one, let it be known to kitten what is acceptable behaviour and what isnt (eg, clawing curtains etc.) this will avoid any later confusion and discipline problems.

Lastly, give kitten plenty love and affection daily, this will ensure kitten will form a lifetime bond with you. Goodluck!!!!!!
if it's old enough to eat solid food just give him plenty of food and water.. you could even take a bowl of kitten food and put a little warm water in it to make it softer and easier to chew.. but make sure you give him actual kitten food not big cat food cause it has lots of vitamins and stuff that are crucial for their first year
Plenty of play makes a kitten grow attached to you, Im raising my fourth kitten right now and they adore you when you wave a string in front of them (Maybe even attach a little toy to it)

Also spoil them a little, it`s important at the kitten stage for them to have a full trust bond with you so somtimes treats (In moderation)

And use a voice that make you sound familiar, so they know who to go to when they feel stressed or want love.

This may also prevent them from going feral or running away randomly in the future :)
f it has been a while since you have owned a baby pet, then getting a kitten may be a real treat and perhaps a little bit of work. Kitten care is providing your baby cat with all the love, nutrition, safe playing area and vet care he or she needs to be healthy. Here are a few kitten tips to get you started on this grand adventure.

Your kitten’s basic needs are for a nutritionally sound food, fresh, clean water, a safe play environment, human contact, a visit to the local vet, and plenty of loving.

One of the most crucial care tasks that you need to provide for your new kitten is “human contact”. Your kitten needs to interact with humans in a positive way so that she will learn to trust humans and be able to bond with you. If kittens are not bonded with humans within the first 2 weeks of life, they will hiss at them. A litter of kittens needs to be handled by humans on a daily basis to get them used to the touch and feel as well as to the smell of human touch.

Researchers agree that kittens handled on a daily basis in the early weeks improve their learning ability. A mother cat’s presence will reassure the kittens that all is well and that the humans are ok to be around. Otherwise the mother cat would send out a warning signal.

Playtime will help your new kitten become accustomed to his new environment. Playtime will help him to get acquainted with the lay of the room, with other pets, and with other humans in the family.

The kitten needs to be socialized with other humans so it is good to allow others to interact with the new kitten. Children should be taught how to safely handle and play with the kitten before allowing them near the little kitten.

To get your new kitten off to a healthy start be sure to visit the vet as soon as possible after getting your kitten. Kitten vaccinations are important even if the kitten will be a purely indoor cat. Deadly diseases can come into contact with the kitten from human clothing and shoes. Your vet will examine your kitten and help you with any care decisions you need to make.

Your kitten should only eat food that is specially formulated for the special nutritional needs of kittens. Kittens grow rapidly and the need the proper nutrition to support the high energy that kittens have. A kitten will go from infancy to adulthood in just one year. Even though your kitten will look grown up at 26 weeks the kitten is still growing on the inside and still needs special kitten food for the entire first year of life. Kitten food has extra protein, calcium, phosphorus and other nutrients that help the kitten to grow well.

If your kitten is a longhaired cat, it should be groomed daily. Shorthaired kitten need to be groomed 1 to 2 times a week.

The kitten’s litter box needs to be in a quiet place where the kitten will feel secure and have privacy (not a noisy busy area of your home). Be sure not to locate the litter box near any noisy machines like the washer/dryer or refrigerator.

Provide a warm, safe place for it to sleep such as a kitten basket and don’t forget the kitten toys. The most important part of the kitten care is to provide you. The kitten needs you and your attention.


Cats and kittens generally do not overeat, so food should be made available at all times. Feed your kitten a good quality food. This will ensure the kitten is getting the right amount

of vitamins and minerals necessary for growth. Avoid feeding your kitten table scraps. Table scraps will cause a kitten to become overweight, and the kitten may not get the proper nutrition it requires.

Training a kitten to use a litter box is generally easy. Make sure the litter box contains enough litter for digging and burying. About two to three inches is sufficient.

Place the kitten in the litter box and gently guide the kitten's paw through the litter. This will teach the kitten what it is suppose to be doing.

The kitten will instinctively know what to do next. Scoop out any solid waste each day, and distribute any wet litter evenly in the box to allow it to dry.

The litter box should be completely changed each week. Scrub the box using hot, soapy water before adding fresh litter. Scoopable litter is very convenient because the box will not have to be completely changed as often.

If your kitten suddenly stops using the litter box this could be a sign of a bladder infection, and your kitten will need to been seen by a veterinarian for treatment.
Oh,baby kittens are so much fun!! They are so energetic and will keep you busy. You are their mama so just treat them with love and affection and compassion. They will love you back, mine are so use to being just with me that they shy away from other people. I have 10 cats by the way. They go back and forth outside all the time. My 2 little ones are 3 months old, I helped their mama have them so they were use to my touch and voice from birth. But, that is how I have done all of my babies. Have fun and play with your baby, because she won't be a baby long, they sure grow up fast. And I hate not having babies around, they are so much fun. Good Luck to you and happy purring!!!!
Tough question, buddy. If I give you advise, it will differ from stage to stage. Like the rules that apply i infancy changes when the kitten grows up. E-mail me, I'll give you simple,professional advises. Happy parenting!

PS: I am a vet specialising in feline behaviour!

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