I just started babysitting a 1yr old girl. I'm not experienced babysitting, and it's a long day, 9am-6pm. I get antsy sometimes, thinking of what to do with her. I read with her, she's got toys we play with, we watch her movies, she helps me do chores sometimes, but I need help thinking of other things (games, etc) to play with her. Anyone?I get bored sometimes babysitting a 1yr old, need advice on how to keep her entertained?
that is a sensitive age but there is a ton to do and she will learn too.....
Push me, pull you
If your baby is pulling herself on to two feet and trying to walk, help her practise with a pushing and pulling game. Use a moveable object such as a child-size chair or plastic stacking box filled with soft toys. While she holds the edges for support you can hold the other side and keep it steady. Then slowly pull the box towards you side to encourage her to step forward. Soon she'll start to push while you gently pull. This will build her confidence ready for when she starts walking on her own.
• Clap happy
By now your baby will be able to hold her hands open, but it may be a while before she claps independently. For now, clap them together with her, or let her hold your hands and pat them together. Sit her facing you on the floor, or on your lap, and sing clapping songs together like 'Pat-a-cake, pat-a cake'. These will boost her language skills as well as her hand-eye co-ordination.
• Who's hiding here?
Just as she loved peek-a-boo as a baby, your toddler will love to play simple games of hide and seek. First thing in the morning take it in turns to hide under the bed sheets; at bath time, use a big towel to hide under, instead. For extra fun and giggles you can gently prod her as she hides, 'Is this a leg? Or is it an arm?' and so on. Games like this help teach your toddler that, just because she can't see something, it doesn't mean it isn't there. For a change, while she's wrapped up in the towel, carry her into another room. She'll be delighted when she's unveiled to discover she's moved location!
Emptying and filling
One-year-olds are fascinated by the prospect of emptying and filling containers. A milk jug holds a special allure for young explorers because the narrow neck stands in stark contrast to the spacious interior. Try putting small objects such as raisins, Goldfish crackers or Cheerios into the bottle and then let your toddler figure out how to pour them out.
Save your junk mail. It now serves a purpose. Your toddler will love the challenge of pulling the inserts out of the envelopes and then trying to put them back in again.
Building a tower and then knocking it down is not only fun, it's educational. Placing one piece atop the next teaches kids about balance. And, of course, the demolition reinforces the concept of cause-and-effect.
a toddler doesn't have any concept of cubism, impressionism or even paint-by-numbers. But that doesn't mean he won't be thrilled by the prospect of putting pen to paper. Buy a large box of crayons, cover the floor in large sheets of paper and let your toddler experiment with various hand grips.I get bored sometimes babysitting a 1yr old, need advice on how to keep her entertained?
got duct tape?
As long as you are providing good supervision you don't need to spend every minute of your day entertaining her. Feel free to read a book or something while she's napping, or while your holding her.
Take her to the movies. I hear The Rocky Horror Picture Show is playing. Bring toast.
if you have computer access my kids like noggin.com or pbs.com they offer a lot of games and printable that you can do with children she might also like sesame street.com or something like that ummmm it is hard trying to come up with something i no this kinda sucks lol sorry not much help......good luck
As a mommy of a 1 year old.. if the 1 yr old you babysit is anything like my daughter, she won't be interested in games....let her do her own thing.. i usually get down on the floor and just tickle my little one..or goof off with her.. but she doesnt play with 1 certain thing for long!!...i just watch TV to keep myself entertained!..or write...i tried coloring with my daughter but she wanted to put the coloring pencil in her mouth so it didnt work out!
patty cake
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