Saturday, July 31, 2010

I have concerns about the medicines during child birth. Any advice is appreciated?

I have a 4 yr old and one on the way. When I had my son, they said that the medicines didnt mix well together which caused post partum hemorrhaging. After a emergency operation, they finally controlled the bleeding. The dr said this time they will add some medicines that will control the bleeding. Concern is that if the medicines didnt mix well last time, then why would they mix well this time along with other medicines. Im very nervous this time around.I have concerns about the medicines during child birth. Any advice is appreciated?
dont ever be scared/embarassed/nervous to make your doctor EXPLAIN every aspect of this. if they are doing surgery or even mixing pain meds, make him educate you on what each med. will do and how it may react with the others. since we dont know what the meds are, we cant really tell you how they might act together, but he certainly can. ask him at your next appointment. if he doesnt explain it clearly, at least try and get a list of all the meds he is planning on using and do your own research, if that causes any concerns then bring those up.

he is a trained medical professional, but if it has happened before, you should educate and protect yourself as best you can.

good luck!!!

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