Saturday, July 31, 2010

Can anyone offer advice or guidance on the decision to become a foster parent?

I, having been abused and neglected myself, have been looking into the very big decision of becoming a foster parent. I have two young children (4 and 5) of my own and am wondering if I should wait until they are older? Also, has anyone else who had bad childhood experiences ever become a foster parent? While I am worried about the opening of old wounds, I also feel I can relate and help by knowing and understanding what they are going through. Any input is appreciated!

Can anyone offer advice or guidance on the decision to become a foster parent?
It is a big decision, and the way you are asking this question shows that you are a responsible person. It could be the job that makes your life's purpose, and that you have strong inner guidance you feel you need to follow. In that case nobody can advise you, but your own inner Self.

There are rational pros and cons. One of the con's is that you shall be exposing your children to the possibility of abuse. The abused children often become the abusers. It doesn't have to happen this way, but it is a possibility.

Many people become foster parents. For lots of different reasons. I hope you have been through some kind of therapy as an adult in order to face your childhood fears. That would make you a better parent and a better foster parent.

I have a feeling you would be a good person for the job. I hope you have enough strength for it.Can anyone offer advice or guidance on the decision to become a foster parent?
My wife and I became foster parents through the Bair Foundation about five years ago. We ended up adopting our foster-daughter. One thing we insisted on is that the foster children not be older than our own children. We wanted to make sure that our own kids were not abused. However, my son did get his front teeth knocked out by our foster son, which happened in a skating rink during some unfortunate horse play. Also, the biological mother once made an allegation of “abuse” against our six year old son. It was nonsense and the investigation proved that. But as a foster parent, you need to be prepared for investigations and social workers who might think they know it all. It’s a crazy system. You might want to check out
make sure your decision does not impact on your kids, they are the ones you need to worry about.

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