why did you remove your toe nail? O_ODoes anyone have any advice on taking care of a toe without a toe nail?
i suggest you get some Espom salt and a foot bath (the salt can be bought at any drug store and target has a great food bath) Fill the foot bath will warm water and put about a half a cup of the espom salt in the foot bath. This will keep your toe clean. I had to do this when my toenail was ingrown. I hope this helps!
I had my two big toes done last yr. Just follow your docs. orders with the soaks, and be sure that you keep them gently scrubbed to keep the nail from regrowing. I have had mine removed and supposedly permanently caurterized chemically twice. They have grown back both times, but this last time they stayed off until I slacked off on scrubbing the nailbed. I may just let them grow back and see if they look normal this time.
no :)
Neosporin after the soaks! I hope you are soaking in Epsom's salt water! I had all of mine removed several years ago!
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