i went to zippos circus yday with my family and there was a guy who works down there init. and what happened was:he was lookin at me when he 1st saw me sittin down and he said ';wow'; when the show was over, i brought a drink from him, and when he gave me the change back he was like touchin my hand. and he keeps on lookin at me quite often and keeps on smile at me he wouldn't stop looking at me.
i want to get his number
what shall i do before it is too late. the circus show comes every once an year.
i like him. do u think he likes me.
The circus show comes every one an year. i can't go, what shall i do. will i ever see him again.
P.s i like him, if i can't get him. i don't want anyone.. if someone comes to my life what shall i do!!!!!!!
Shall i go for him or the guy i like,Advice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
'; i like him, if i can't get him. i don't want anyone.. if someone comes to my life what shall i do!!!!!!!
Shall i go for him or the guy i like,';
...from what I've read, it seems that you've seen the guy only once. I think, there's too much conviction in what you've said in your p.s. I mean, you barely know the guy...be careful with what you're saying. If you really want to see him, that's fine. But to say that you want only him - well, that's pretty heavy stuff. Think about this - You don't know him. How sure are you that he's the one for you? I believe that if you really should get to know him better one day, you will. If you're really that eager to see him again, seek for ways to contact the circus group his with. Or, try asking around for people who know about him, or someone else from the circus. If there's really no way available to you right now, then wait for the next year's circus. But, that doesn't mean that you should focus on that guy's memory. Let yourself know others, and open yourself up to them. Don't spend your days thinking about that guy. Remember that it was just a meeting...if there's a continuation to that, there will be. But you don't have to wait for it. Continue living your life the way you did before the circus. Well, I wish you best on your love life...:)Advice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
Kick the circus freak into touch ...... he is far too clammy, I can tell. Have you seen Jo Dirt? He could be your brother!!!
Ok u are tripping!!! If he does like you, and you like him, what are you going to do. Run off with the circus? He travels to plenty of towns all year long, and I'm sure you're not the first girl he's been attracted to in the audience.
Find someone in your hometown that you can get to know. If you go back there and talk to him, yeah you might hit it off, but I guarantee he's not going to quit his job because he saw a cute face.
the guy u like
OK here's the deal. You like him only because he gave you attention. To truly like someone, you have to like who they are as a person and you don't even know him. From what you've said, I don't believe he likes you either because he doesn't even know you. He just thinks you look good and was acting like a pig. You should stick with the guy you already like. Hopefully he's not a pig.
This is just my opinion.
I would be careful and not get your heart set on this guy. Think about it..he travels all over the place. A relationship would be very difficult. There isn't even a way to get to know him, because he will be leaving soon. You also don't know how many times he picks up girls while he is traveling around. I think what you are feeling is short term infatuation. To say that if you can't have him you don't want anyone is ridiculous. You can't base that on one meeting with someone who don't even know. Your only exchange was the money he gave back to you! Judging from this, I assume you are young. Don't worry, in a few weeks you will forget about it, and I'm sure he won't be thinking about giving you your change back.
Know him more ..The more you know him the more you will know what's inside you about him...
Join the circus! Seriously, find out how he feels before it is too late, but you shouldn't close yourself off to future relationships if he doesn't feel the same. How do you know that you are the only female he has done this too? Weigh him out before you make a drastic decision about passing up something that could possibly be better.
You can't be serious. With the crimes of circus folk being well known and you having a vagina you goofy to think that this guy doesn't smile like that to every new naiive and goo-goo fresh face in each town. Why don't you get those deathrow/prison magazines and write a convict if this is all it take to rock your world.
I'm being hard aren't I. I mean to be!!!!!! You sound so young in your thinking and lonely.... of all the things you need on a list of 1 to 10 with 1 being the most need and 10 being the least.... This guy should be numbered 1000000. He just wants to ';fax'; you if you get my drift. Please don't let this happen to you. Especially if you're a virgin. That would be a terrible way to be made love to. Believe me you'd be just another notch on a belt buckle or little black book with him only recalling the sweetness of the girl's body and not even her name. I'll tell you what... Prove me wrong... wait til next year... give yourself time to know if that is what you want. The circus is like Disneyland... It is magical and marvelous... The blessing is that Walt Disney set out cartoon animals so I haven't met anyone that wanted to sleep with Mickey Mouse or Goofy or Donald. But Prince Charming, he get's phone numbers every season of youngones and oldones alike willing to give all because he smiled at them and of course they felt that the smile was just for them. please don't be a moment of a quick ejeculation for this guy.... He's not interested in staying and or settling. Just sex.
You really dont know much about him.. what if he does this to every girl he sees in each town he visits?
Use your head to protect your heart.
Just because you experienced a situation where there was mutual attraction, it doesn't mean that you are required to do something about it. You don't know anything about this guy. You don't know if he's married, you don't know if he has a girlfriend, and you don't know if he says, ';Wow'; to a hundred different girls every night. He most likely has forgotten you by now, and you're practically ready to change your life for him.
It would be best to focus on the life you have right in front of you, and to not be foolish over something that made your heart flutter.
I would go with the guy you like, but then you like them both, and can't live without him, so you have a real problem. Of course the guy from the circus probably says ';wow'; to one girl at every show, hoping to get some action, but don't let me burst your bubble. Oh and by the way, I would meet a psychiatrist to see if he could answer the question better
a guy from the circus???
run away, they are dirty people, they have small hands and smell like cabbages
Just say - ';Ay lad, gimme your number! U know u want to!';
You know nothing about this guy except that he works at a traveling circus and he thought you were pretty. Naturally, he appears mysterious and exciting to you; you've not had a chance to learn anything else about him that might disappoint you. Besides, how do you think you can maintain a relationship with him if you only see him once a year? Phone calls and emails can sustain you only so long, you know.
Your statement about if you can't have him, you don't want anyone is ridiculous. You're making a decision based on no knowledge of Circus Boy or the incoming potential Mr. Right. That's not only unfair to any other guy that might take an interest in you, it's just plain foolish.
How many pretty girls do you think Circus Boys sees and flirts with at each performance? Gee, there's something to consider, huh?
How are both of you? And i would be careful of coming on to a guy because you do not really know this person, right? Be very careful!
easy the guy you like .
While I believe firmly believe in going for who you want (and I waited for someone for 13 years until I finally got her), if the circus only comes once a year and he works for them it would be a very difficult relationship. However, if you still want to pursue it, perhaps you can't go to the circus, but you could hang out around there when the crew leaves and ask around until you find out who he is and get into contact with him that way. Maybe he would be willing to stop working for the circus and settle down somewhere a bit.
What are you talking about girl ... a guy that travels with a Carny show selling concessions? Get a clue! You just thought he was hot, move on, get over it ... liking some guys looks doesn't mean love there hun.
guy you like
what are you in the movie ';big fish'; you want to know what that carnies name was, do this go down there pick him up take him to what ever back woods make out spot your crap town has and enjoy your new herpes
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