Saturday, August 21, 2010

Can someone give me advice on congestion in the nose?

I suffer from congestion which tends to switch between each nostril.

I've been using Otrivine which has been working fine, but doctors told me to stop taking it because it will worsen my congestion.

Sure it had become worser but the Otrivine nasal spray still clears it up.

And now my doctor has put me on Beconase Aqueous nasal spray which after 2 doses today twice in each nostril has had 0 effect.

So any tips or advice would be appreciated.Can someone give me advice on congestion in the nose?
Hey, I used to be in the same boat as you. I'd wake up with a completely blocked up nose every morning and id immediately reach for the otrivine. It sounds funny but I kind of got addicted to the stuff! Then I was told by someone that I should try cutting out the amount of dairy I consume which actually really really helped. I barely ever get a blocked nose now. Don't ask me how that works though, because I don't have a clue!

Anyway, your doctors are right - otrivine really doesn't help in the long term, and I noticed that if anything it seemed to drag out the amount of time Id have a block nose.

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