Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Do you have an advice for raising a child?

I'm excpecting next month and I want to ask what is the most valuable advice you can give about raising children?Do you have an advice for raising a child?
listen to his/her problems,understand his/her likes and dislikes,smack them when they misbehave(optional),teach them about life and the circle of it,tell them about the beauty of the world and the winning strength of the humans,tell them to throw trash properly,tell them to speak appropriately AND show them a good exampleDo you have an advice for raising a child?
I'm raising my children to be community helpers, to be kind and polite to others. When they have a problem they know they can come and talk to me about it and not worry about being judged. I try to instill in my children not to be judgmental of other people (even though I admit that I have been judgmental. I don't want them to do it) I want them to believe in themselves and feel good about themselves. I want them to have a good work ethic. I support the things they love to do and correct the things I see as wrong. I never spank. I don't see the point as it never worked on me. I take away privileges and that works.

Give them lots of love and support.

Good luck with your baby.
Respect your baby's needs and desires. Don't let him/her cry alone. Listen to your child's requests and feelings.

Discipline is key, too. Be consistent and firm, but do not raise your voice or hit.

These two keys, respect and discipline, are rare to find in one parent (many respect but don't discipline or discipline but don't respect). If you get these two things, your kids will turn out to be delightful.
Be patient and remember that children need love and understanding the most when they deserve it the least! (Haha)

Also, cherish every moment. My kids are 9, 7, and 5, and I can't believe their babiness is over!!! It seems like just yesterday people were telling ME to enjoy every moment becuase it'll be gone before I know it. We're now onto the next chapter!
First of all don't listen to Andrew C.

My advice is patience, patience I wish I had learned it sooner.
I think all you need to do is love and cherish them and never put them aside no matter what the situation is.
I just ask you one thing... remember what it was like to be a child/teenager and the things that you thought were really unfair or that you feel you're parents did that was wrong and do those things right...

Raise them better then you were raised basically... learn from your parents mistakes.



Edit: And don't spoil him... Example : My sweet 16 tv show
First remember we as parents do not always heve the answers, each kid is differnt and we must treat them as the person they are and do not ever compare them to another child( i have one aho is 9 in talent pool and little for her age and my other is 6 with autism a sense of humor and all boy. My mom always compared ky sister and i and that was not fair for we were opposites in everyway) remember that with discapline to keep it the same everytime they learn as young as 6 months how to get there way if they know you will do it. Teach your kids manners as young as you can they learn fast trust me

Just love them and listen to them.

Best wishes!!!
Lots of love! You cannot spoil a child with love!

Children are only children once, let them have fun!

Teach them respect by showing respect. Respect themselves, others, %26amp; all creatures great and small.
Just love them and respect them treat them how you want them to treat you remember most behaviors are learned. listen to them no matter how hectic life gets when you stop listening to them is when they try to find what they need from somewhere else.I have 5 1-18 yrs. 1-10 yrs. 1-8yrs. 2-7yrs. everyday is something different but always mom is needed. congratulations and good luck you will find what works for you.
love your child, and let your child know you love him or her. Not with materialistic things, with lots of hugs and kisses and praise.
I'm not a parent, I'm a kid actually,but I just wanted to tell you not to force your child to do anything that he/she doesn't want to do and let him/her follow his/her dreams...............you get the picture well, congratulations!!!
Some important things in raising children:









A parent is first and foremost a teacher. They are responsible for teaching a child how to live in this world. The world they are growing up in does not let them have their way all the time, It does not allow them to sit on the floor and scream and it does not allow them to repeatedly ask for something until society gives in and gives it to them. It does have consequences for their actions, it does require they be responsible for their actions and it does require they get up and do for themselves.

Be gentle with your kids and give them lots of love and laughter, be honest and fair because they will carry that attitude with them for the rest of their lives. But they will also carry the limits you set or the lack of limits with them as well. Kids will always push the bounderies and need you to set limits. If you set limits and enforce them while always showing you love them, they'll grow up to understand that they need to live within societies bounderies. Always remember that you are not there to be a friend but to be a parent and guardian. Sometimes they won't like you but they'll get over it. Just be sure that you know why you do the things you do. Never be arbitrary of allow them to make you react in anger. THINK!!!
remember that child did not ask to be here it is a blessing from the lord. Show the child lots of love and affection (dont spoil the baby) just let the child know you care. As the child gets older let he or she know that they come and talk to you about anything and to never be afraid.As they go through school always encourage them to strive for the best and to never give up. And always teach your child responsibilty. Just watch over your child they way God has watched over you.
The best advice is to not let the child run the house. You are the parent and are the one in charge. It's never to young to teach the child right from wrong behavior. If you teach your child that there are boundaries that are set by you, then your dealings with a teenager will be a lot easier. Discipline doesn't start when they go to school, it starts much younger.

Also, tell that child EVERYDAY that you love him/her. No matter how upset you may be at the child. Hugs and kisses.
you just need to give your child plenty of love and attention. And god forbid teach him or her right from wrong. And making sure that child has respect goes a long way, especially with elders. teach him or her to say yes ma'am,yes sir the respectful way to answer people. And as far as learning start early with the educational things so that he or she will be brilliant before it's even time for them to start school. congratulations! and i wish you all the blessings in the world.

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